Welcome to my new blog!

Welcome to my new blog!

I've been intending for ages to have my own blog where I can share my knowledge and wisdom from the marketing world and also share some personal stories of family life. I'm a mother to 3 children and I work as a self-employed marketing consultant, manager, trainer, tutor and professional speaker. My business website is BreffniDigital.com

I have a great work-life balance because I rarely switch off from either role and they bleed into each other all the time. Because I love what I do, I don't ever feel the need to justify to anyone how many hours I clock up "at work" or "off".

As much as I love social media, posts have a short lifespan especially in stories etc. Sometimes it's nice to have things all in one place in this format, even for my self looking back.

So what will I blog about? Well if you know me at all you'll know I never shut up! I talk about digital marketing, social media, entrepreneurship, equality, parenting and a little travel and food as I go. I am married but my husband is not as vain and attention-seeking extroverted as I am so won't make too many appearances in my content!

If I am sponsored by a brand in any post you will see that clearly mentioned. Otherwise it's just me sharing bits of my life online.



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