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Magic Shoelaces for Special Kids

Hi there! If you have a child in your life who struggles with shoelaces, you'll know how difficult it is, especially when they outgrow Velcro shoes. Elliot is 10 but wears an adult size 6!! Because of his joint laxity, fine motor skill activities like tying shoelaces are a HUGE challenge for him. There are no Velcro shoes available in his size that also suit his flat feet and his age so we've had a hard time lately with trips and falls and the frustration kicks in when he's in a hurry to get out the door. More often than not he goes around with no shoes especially in this great weather but I can see anxiety levels rising again when shoes have to go on. Scrolling through Facebook the other night I spotted an ad for Spectra Sensory Clothing and discovered they're a Belfast company who do all sorts of clothing for people with special needs. I will look more into their sensory friendly clothing and let you know how that goes but for starters

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